Stone Still Settling
LISTEN: https://reposerecords.bandcamp.com/album/stone-still-settling
Wist is a wild one, and on “Stone Still Settling,” the British four-piece wield all of their demonic powers to fantastical and psychedelic effect. Things are twisted from the get-go, a view askew of a distorted march full of pomp and a Boschian sense of mischief. The guitars are radically tinny, a killer bass plucks and plops and bops in the hands of some maniacal jester, and some truly fiendish vocals snarl and sneer the troop forward. It’s remarkable when the band takes a turn, slowing things down to a disorienting sway before finding new footing. By the time the track comes to a close, fading under waves of nuclear orange and yellows, it’s hard to believe where it all started, back at the delirious and driving opening that was fired from some carnival cannon. The opening track to Wist’s debut, Stone Still Settling, is the best and only introduction to the band you’ll get — Wist’s a total enigma, with not so much as a Metal Archives listing, fitting for a band that alters perceptions of reality and distends sound in so many unusual and bewitching ways.